Welcome to New President Ian,
Over to you
Welcome to my first message from Pres.
I hope everyone is well as there is a lot of sickness going around at the moment.
Thank you again to Jo for her hard work that she and her team have put in over the last year.
Continuing from last Bollard, I would also like to thank the End Trachoma team for their efforts.
Just one hurdle to overcome now, the freight to get it to N.T.
I’m just waiting on some replies at the moment, hopefully we can organise some cheaper freight.
Thank you all for attending Changeover last Friday night, it was a special night for us.
Great to see some friends of our club there.
Please invite family and friends to the Navel Ass. this Tuesday night where I am sure we will have a great night meeting our Story Dog “Baxter”.
Thanks to Daryll, Andrea and everyone that helped at the BBQ on Friday.
Everything ran smoothly and we had a successful day.
Also thanks to Peter H for the snags and Judy E for organising the onions.
Please keep in mind Donatelife Week is coming up 23rd to 30th July.
We are having a table at Bannockburn Woolworths 10am to 4pm.
If anyone has an hour or two to spare let me know.
I can recommend RLI (Rotary Learning Institute) for anyone wanting to understand more about Rotary and how it works.
It doesn’t mean you are wanting a leadership role, but it can be a great learning tool for all Rotarians. I know registration date has passed but I am sure if anyone would like to do it we could get you in.
Look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.