Lucy is a member of the Geelong Rotary Club, of DIK Rotary Geelong 9780, Fundraising & Campaign Coordinator Rotary Interplast Australia Committee, Rotary Passport Club of Melbourne, Associate member PNG Wantoks Group of Victoria, Papua Woman’s Group and Founder and President of the Peter Nathan Loko Foundation PNG.
John, a member of the Rotary Club of Torquay has been involved with helping less fortunate countries with 24 trips with Interplast since 1992, (three to PNG, 2 to Fiji, one to Vanuatu, two to the Philippines and 16 to Indonesia (East Kalimantan, on the Island of Borneo. John was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for services to Anaesthesia in 2011.
He has done so much more, so John with Lucy certainly have the expertise to complete this current project regarding the social situation in Lese Oalai the needs of the people, the solutions and how to achieve a school plus teacher accommodation.
Building of composting toilets, providing water to the school and the community and the continuation of supplying educational items through DIK. It’s a very large project with the approx. cost of $500,000.
It will change so many lives for the better, and through education will change the next generation.