Sally lives in Victoria, has 3 wonderful children and her career has included teaching, coaching, counselling, training, writing and public speaking. She is a dynamic and inspiring speaker and her topic was “Create your blockbuster Life”.
Sally started with a dictionary definition of a problem then gave us meanings for her acronym:
A aware of problem and admit it
C clarify the problem
T time to ask quality questions; not why me, but what
T thinking phase
O one solution stands out – how? when?
D decisions for your solution
A act and review
Y your reward
She explained how she had faced and solved the problems associated with her son’s Coeliac Disease, and then seen an opportunity to change the labelling on the medication associated with her son’s illness. Her next opportunity was to become an author in order to assist other children to understand gluten intolerance. This led to many more published titles, including the topics of nut allergies, football, the town of Lorne and Overcoming Problems. Sally concluded by stating that Dynamic Problem Solving empowers people, enhances life experiences and increases production and performance.
PP Chris Sims thanked Sally for her inspiring speech and presented her with a token gift. Sally’s books were on display and she was happy to sign some copies. Others can be bought at local book stores.