Ian's Whereabouts with Organ Donation and Road Trauma

I have been asked to let the club know what I have been up to as far as some speaking engagements I have been doing and some coming up in the next few months.

On Monday the 11th Oct. I went to Melton to speak at a road trauma seminar for Amber Community where there were 8 offenders, then this Thursday morning I was asked to accompany Luke Elliot to give a presentation to Corrections Victoria on behalf of Amber Community to help the case workers there understand what we do so then they can follow up after their clients complete our seminars.
Then that night we did another seminar with Luke as the facilitator and I was the lived experience speaker, at Eastern Hub in East Geelong. There were 9 participant’s that night.
I was able to have my daughter-in-law sit in as an observer as she wanted to see what I did. She is also a police officer, so it was great to get her feedback after the seminar. I will also be going to Laverton this coming Monday night for another seminar.
I think after that I may have a little break until, in November I’ve been asked to speak at Parliament House in Melbourne to a few hundred people at a Remembrance Service for people from all Emergency Services, Politicians and many people who have lost loved ones through road trauma. Quite nervous about this one.