Lesley Shedden - ROMAC
ROMAC has been in operation for over 25 years. Rotarians volunteer their time and expertise to run this Rotary program that encompasses all the Districts of Australia and New Zealand. Assisted by many eminent Australian and New Zealand surgeons who generously donate their time free for the treatment of our patients, this humanitarian program has provided over 350 children from more than 20 developing countries with urgent medical treatment that has given them new hope.
Lesley reminded us of the important work done by ROMAC provided some updated facts on the work they are involved with. The patients are in the age range from 0 to 15 years and have medical issues which in some cases have caused them to be shunned by families. ROMAC is totally funded by Rotary and in 2013 funded treatment of 47 new patients.
The support is provided by ROMAC with funding, the medical staff who are on a pro bono basis, and also volunteer host families and drivers transporting patients while in Australia.
The treatment provided by this important Rotary funded program is not only life saving and changing but also restores dignity to many patients.
Simon thanked Lesley for her presentation which was well received judging by the many questions from the audience.
For further information please refer to the website. http://www.romac.org.au