Kristine Fitzgerald. - Author
President Elect Telsa Stubna then called on Jo White as Chairman for the night to introduce the Guest Speaker – Kristine Fitzgerald. Kristine started her career as a maths/science teacher in Wagga Wagga and in 2007 came to Geelong and is now working in the Diabetes Department for Barwon Health at the Geelong Hospital.

Approximately 3 years ago, Kristine realised her life was very busy, and found a need to write a book on how and why we are always in a rush.
Approximately 3 years ago, Kristine realised her life was very busy, and found a need to write a book on how and why we are always in a rush. Six months ago Kristine realised her goal and had her book – “White Space” published. The title of the book was taken from an experience she had in her early years at high school, when the class was given an assignment to design a poster when other students mentioned the need to incorporate “white space” when doing the design. This referred to the need to have the text spaced which created gaps and made the poster much easier to read. It was in the time after that assignment that she often wondered how that principle could be put into practice in our everyday life.

White Space now refers to the time when we have a quiet time during busy periods which enables some balance to be put back into our lives.

To help Kristine look at ways that would assist her to cope with her busy lifestyle, she thought it would be worthwhile speaking to people two generations back to find out what pressures they experienced in their lives, and what they did to cope with them. To do that, she prepared a questionnaire and gave it to family and friends to complete - some of the topics included family size, recreational activities, home entertainment and holiday arrangements. This was a good learning exercise for her, as she found out that what was done then was completely different to how it is done today.

With all this information that she has researched, Kristine has realised that she should only do one thing at the time, think ahead of what needs to be done, and live life to the fullest - her book outlines how this can be achieved.

At the end of her presentation, Kristine answered questions and was thanked by Jo for her very interesting talk. She also took the opportunity to sell some of her autographed “White Space” books.