Ken Wilks Spirit of the Heart Awards 2014.
President Judy Beasley opened the meeting, introduced herself and welcomed everyone to the Ken Wilks Spirit of the Heart Awards 2014. This day is also a celebration for Light Up Rotary Day.
On the tables you will find some brochures and information outlining some of the wonderful work that Rotarians do. The RC Bayside Geelong is one of 34,000 clubs around the world, with over 1 million Rotarians working together whilst having fun, to make the world a better, safer and healthier place. Rotary International’s Major project has been the Eradication of Polio from the World. Through our hard work and diligence, we are now only a few years away from eradicating polio for good – we are so close
Chairman of Community and Vocational Committee Daryll Webb to introduce our first speaker Dr John Oswald OAM who spoke to us about the work of Interplast. Dr Oswald provided a presentation of the wonderful work he and the volunteers had achieved via Interplast over the last 30 + Years. (Click Link)
The award recipient was then announced
Augustino Moedu was a very proud and humble recipient of the award and said it gave him recognition for all the struggles he had, firstly in the refugee camps and then establishing himself again when he arrived in Geelong. Now working at Diversitat he is a dedicated employee and worthy ambassador of the Karen Community
The Transport Accident Commission(TAC) have been supporting RC of Bayside Geelong as the proud sponsor of this award for some years and Hamish Heard said that the TAC was very proud to be able to support this award as their contribution to the worthy recipients.
President Judy on behalf of RC of Bayside Geelong extended sincere thanks to TAC for their sponsorship and continued support for years to come.
Interplast’s intentions are simple. We exist to repair bodies and rebuild lives.
In a nutshell, we’re a not-for-profit organisation working to improve the quality of life for people with disability who are disabled as a result of congenital or acquired medical conditions such as cleft lip and palate or burn scar contractures. We do this by sending fully qualified Australian and New Zealand volunteer plastic and reconstructive surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and allied health professionals to the Asia Pacific region to provide free surgical treatment for patients who would otherwise not be able to afford access to such services. For us, it’s all about function and enabling full engagement in society. We also pride ourselves on our intentions to leave a legacy. The aim? To do ourselves out of a job. We focus heavily on facilitating medical training and mentoring for in-country medical personnel by supporting and building the capacity of local health services.
Quite simply, our purpose is to provide life-changing surgery today and sustainable health systems tomorrow.
Interplast changes lives. We give our time. We combat disability. We implement change. We give opportunity. We build capacity. We support families. We support communities. We strengthen. We succeed. We transform. We empower. And, we believe we’re Australia and New Zealand’s best kept secret.
For decades, Interplast has changed lives. We’ve empowered individuals and communities. We’ve facilitated progress. And we’ve enabled opportunity. We’ve rebuilt many lives and helped many to develop their skills and knowledge, but there are many more who need our assistance.