Jan gave us a brief history of the Barwon Health Volunteer programs and how they were divided up.
Categories like Respite, Hand and Foot Massage and more.
Jan then told us of an approach from the East Geelong Football Club who like Rotary wanted to give back to the community.
As a result of this initiative the Backyard Blitz concept was born.
It is based on simple and practical support for those people who ae under palliative card and have had a need identified.
A need could be as simple as pruning the roses but it could be clearing an overgrown backyard.
A number of teams are needed.
Teams can be as small as one or up to a lot (The number has not been identified).
$12,000 has already been donated by some philanthropic groups for the purchase of utensils.
This includes gardening tools and power tools and also a complete trailer that is fit for purpose.
Although the declared objective would be the actual work there could be considerably more benefits.
Comfort in a time of need or an “ear” that is listening.
A number of questions followed and then Peter H thanked Jan for her presentation.