We once again visited our friends at the Freshwater Creek Fire Brigade.
We have enjoyed a few visits over the years and its always good to hear how the club is getting on.
Matt the fire chief gave us a demonstration for the new hose drying tower. If the hoses are not dried out correctly, they can rot, previously the hoses took a week to dry as they were laid out on the ground, now they take a couple of days depending on the weather.
The guy’s shared information about the safety of fire extinguishers, which ones to use for what kind of fires, and how important it is to have a fire blanket in your home, but also how to use them correctly.
It was an interesting presentation and finished up inside with a Q & A session from the members while we all, firemen included, enjoyed a
delicious supper supplied by the members and friends.
delicious supper supplied by the members and friends.