This week we had DG Kathy, AG David Sykes and PDG Phillip ,join us for a dinner meeting, along with friends of the club Susan & JT Paulley.
The Board had a quick meeting with Kathy first, great to get to know her and we were given so many wonderful ideas regarding community projects and membership.
During the meeting Cathy spoke about her journey in Rotary and what her club and District 9780 have been doing to help our friends up north in Lismore.

Rotary is making so much of a difference, and it seems as always Rotary is the quiet achievers.
We need to tell the Rotary stories. I would like to tell one and introduce you to a man called Mark O’Toole a resident of Lismore that lost everything in the two floods.
Mark now makes it his business to find out the needs of his community and try to organize those needs. But sometimes people fall through the cracks.
An elderly couple living in central Lismore did just that, they needed help, a call to DG Kathy, she then made the call to Mark, and within 24hours the couple received a visit from Mark, a list was made and a home that was broken is being put back together.
He even went as far is to let family down south know that the elderly man had had a fall and should be going to hospital with a very bad wound on his leg.
Talk about going beyond the call of duty and did I mention Mark himself lost everything. Great news Mark was given a Rotary Pod yesterday and now has a home of his own again although a little small.
As we say with Shelterbox everyone deserves a roof over their heads.