Posted by Peter Kavenagh
on Feb 17, 2015
President Judy asked us to consider our Action Plan.
Fill in parts of the form during our committee meeting and in particular our committee’s goals.
We then gathered in our committees and discussed our future plans for this Rotary year.
Phil Quick YOUTH.
Working on hosting a Inbound Exchange Student to be shared with another Rotary Club.
NYSF, RYLA and RYPEN all being investigated.
Daryll Webb Community & Vocational.
Easter Egg hunt on 5th April at Bellarine Estate Winery.
Barwon Health require helpers. If able to volunteer then please advise Daryll ASAP.
Goals for the year are as per our Club’s Rotary Handbook Page 12.
Some fundraising is being planned to support goals.
Simon Empson Membership and Fundraising.
Goals as per the handbook are sound.